
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Study My FACE

I'm going crazy.

It is crunch time for Cancer Biology, and I have less than three weeks to freaking kick this class's a$$ or I am screwed.

Screwed, let me tell you.

In the last few weeks, I have taken to capturing self portraits of myself in various study locations.

I thought I would someday find them amusing.

In reality, they're weird, and sort of creepy.

But hey, what else is this blog for?


The Bachelorette Pad

Kitchen of the Village apartment

Bedroom of the Village apartment

Living room of the Village apartment

My parent's dining room

My parent's dining room, another day...

I hate school.

And, the San Mateo Main Library. 

As you may be able to tell from the picture progression, the end is near.

Please, send help. 

And Starbucks. 

And Nepali children.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! :)
    I wish I had Nepali children to send to you! There are some pictured on our wall... you are welcome to Grand ANY time!! :)
    You are going to kick a@@ on your test... have no fear!!
