
Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh, the Crazy

I have been advised by my older friends to enjoy this period of life as much as possible, and to draw it out for as long as is comfortable.

But I am beginning to wonder if there is anything at all about this season that doesn't scream "this girls a little crazy."

I am a month from being 22.

I have no job.

My love/dating/relationship status is just so interesting. And by interesting I mean complicated. And by complicated I mean you probably won't be hearing anything about it until I'm engaged. And by engaged I mean years and years from now.

I am living for free.

I am two classes from being a college graduate.

I am moving back home for a few months, where I will also live for free.

I am likely to be spending more hours of this Fall volunteering than I am to be getting paid.

I spend my nights dreaming of being in Nepal.

And I have a series of one to three year plans, but nothing longer than that.

I think I'm crazy, so I am giving you permission to agree with me.

Crazy times, these are.

Just plain crazy.

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