
Sunday, November 11, 2012

10 on 10

10th of November.

10 un-edited iPhone captures.

Or 8.

Here goes.

6:30 AM

Nepali tapestry bedspread.

7:30 AM


I got a haircut, people.

And I voted.

8:30 AM

The Pilot's heated seats are a life-saver these cold mornings.

9:30 AM

Waiting for paperwork to clear at orientation.

Insert 5 hours of work orientation, where I didn't feel like photographing anything whatsoever. 

3:30 PM

Late afternoon reading.

In my bed.


4:30 PM

Did you know they make these?

Yeah, sorry.

Target team members only.

7:30 PM

Waiting in line to see Skyfall, my very first James Bond movie experience. And let me tell you.

It was worth it.

Daniel Craig? Lets get married and have very blue-eyed children.

It's okay that you're 30 years older than me.

Your arms and back muscles make up for that.

11:30 PM

I love when friends call to catch up, and allow me to sit at my favorite look-out spot up the street from my house and watch over San Mateo as it goes to sleep.

Well, that was my 10th! Not very exciting, I know, but I am thankful for a job, for rest, and for friends.

And just for kicks? Hayden and I discussed real-life topics today.

Like dogs.

ten on ten button


  1. You have a wonderful life. Nothing in life is boring. Thanks for sharing.

  2. its a go.
    favorite pic is the one of you and your cute hair.

    1. i had to document that hair day. it's never been the same since.

  3. Love this set! :)
    Love that you enjoyed 007!
    Love that you get to rock the fun target fleece!!
    Love you!!

    1. 007 was life-changing. thanks for opening my eyes!

  4. seat warmers are the best invention....basically ever.

    hi hayden.
