
Friday, October 5, 2012


Well, when one lacks an Instagram, it is difficult to have an InstaFriday. But, fear not, those who feel like they don't already get overwhelmed by the amount of pictures on this blog! Because I am going to participate anyway. With un-edited iPhone pictures. Yeahhhh buddy.

One sad and freezing Giants game.

An afternoon with Hayden, whom I like to call "Hay-Ray", or "Hay-Bay-Bay". 

Learning about the oh-so-interesting lives of carnivorous plants from Jon Pham. Apparently, two weeks in Sudan and he still cares about these little buggers. Buggers. Get it? No? Dang.

More time with this superhero. Notice that I'm driving a different car, but he is wearing the same thing. He wears that Batman tee, with attached cape, and blue Crocs, MAYBE five times a week. 

A cheap, ghetto, simple case was in order for the iPhone 5 before Bass Lake. 

Happy Hippo. Roadtrip snacks, courtesy of Laura. And maybe breakfast too...

Okay, insert Bass Lake Weekend below. 

[Bass Lake weekend]

A new background image. It's my favorite so far. 

Anneke and I. Kayaking the lake away

Okay, at a standstill. Not kayaking at all. The truth feels better. 

Anthropologie sale shopping. One should never do it alone, it's a dangerous task. 

Accountability is needed. 

Finding weird, strange, creepy vehicles with Kim

This one took the cake. 

I found out that my spirit animal is a golden retriever. And that I'm an ENFJ. 

Take that as you will. 

But 30 minutes later, I found my spirit animal in real life!

Okay, it's Finn. At the house I nanny/chauffeur/PA for. And I knew he would be there. 

But still, the planets aligned. 

Highway 280. I love this drive. 

Welcome to Fall, I'm glad we're here. 


  1. i'm a little concerned that you are calling it your spirit animal.

    also i always call a hearse for my voip installation needs.

  2. For no instagram, that was a great instafriday! have a great week. (stopped by from Life.Rearranged.)
